5th Grade

Fair or Not Fair?  Watch this video, and then decide for yourself!  Support your opinion with information from the news video.

Test your knowledge on the States Challenge game today.  Be sure to record your time the first time through, as well as the last time through, for both the Easy and Hard levels!



Time for some fun with Johnnie's Math Page!




Our world is an amazing place!  Visit the Moment of Huh? page from National Geographic Kids to check out some wild wonders!  Use Google Docs to share with Mrs. Cain one of the strangest thing you read.



Weird But True

We will be using National Geographic Kids' Weird But True to
discover 5 Weird But True facts.  We will then create a slideshow to share what we learned.



This week we will dive into Tall Tales!
What is a tall tale?
What is hyperbole?
Listen to the book, and check out the links below to view other tall tales.  Now create a doc to list different hyperboles that you heard.  What do they mean?




Can you locate information online with guidance from your teacher?  Let's see how good you are!  Use the link below to find interesting facts. Record your answers in the packet provided by Mrs. Cain.



Time for some Valentine fun!  CLICK HERE to create your own "Things I Love" shape.

Did you enjoy coding last week?  If so, you're in for a treat again today!  Let's code some more...Minecraft style!



Who loves Star Wars?  Well, today you get to program your own Star Wars games!  Click below to get started:



This week, we will begin research with the help of Ducksters.com. 
*Why do you think Mrs. Cain chose this website, rather than having you do a search on your own? 
*If you do not find the information you need on Ducksters.com, and you do a search on your own, what do you think you need to be on the lookout for?  Why?


The holiday season is a time for giving. Getting gifts is fun, but giving is so much more exciting! If you could give any gift to anyone, what would it be?  Open a new Google doc, and let's start dreaming big! 


Warm up Dance Mat Typing, then with TypingClub.comAfter warm-up, we will head to the skies to practice our home-row keys with Sky Chase and Typing Jets.




Welcome to Sumdog!  This week we will work on:
*Logging into our Sumdog accounts
*Editing our avatars
*Setting up our math skills
*Navigating the site


Are you becoming an expert at locating your Google Doc, opening it, working on it, sharing it, and printing it?  You should be!
Please finish your Thanksgiving Traditions document this week, share it with Mrs. Cain, and print it out to keep for yourself!


Log in to your Google Drive account, open last week's doc titled "Spooky Story", finish and print.

If you have time, enjoy Garfield's Scary Scavenger Hunt!

Need more of a challenge?
Try Garfield's Scary Scavenger Hunt Part II!

It's time for our Fall Student Survey!  Please take your time and answer the questions honestly, so that Ms. Naghtin and your teachers know how we can make TFE the best place for you to learn!

Next, let's practice using Google Docs.  You will log in with your Google account, open a blank document, name it "Halloween Story", and get started with your spooky tale!  Next week, you will open your doc, finish your writing, and then share your document with Mrs. Cain.

Let's see if you have what it takes to master the Parts of Speech Quest!  If you make it through that challenge, try your hand at the other Parts of Speech activities at Abcya.com.



Your digital footprint will follow you throughout your life.  What does that mean?  Let's chat!

Netiquette is etiquette on the Internet.  What would that look like?  Find out on Betty's Netiquette Quiz.

Next, visit the Grow an Online Reputation activity to see if you know what it takes to be an upstanding digital citizen.

How did you do? If time allows, use Word or Google Docs to sum up what you learned today.  Share your doc with Mrs. Cain before you leave class today.

Today is your special day!
Did you remember your special item?
Now it's time to get to work!
Open MS Word, and start sharing about your item.  Don't worry about perfection...just get your story on the page for now.  We'll go back and edit later.
You will save your file in your class folder on the shared drive today.  Mrs. Cain will show you how.

Welcome back to Tech class!  Let's take care of some basics...

 ~Social Contract
 ~Review logging on to computer
 ~Homework: Next week bring in a special item


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